Thursday, 10 January 2013


There is little else that will guarantee the groans of sympathy you get when you mention teething. It is an inevitable milestone but one that goes on and on like no other. My personal theory on wisdom teeth is that we get them later in life so the memories of pain are fresh allowing us empathy in those small hours when we've been woken up for the fifth/sixth/seventh time.

Little H is teething at the moment, number 7, 8, 9 and 10 are all coming through at the same time and suffice to say it's taking it's toll on all of us. He is not a great sleeper at the best of times but add teething to the mix and night time has now turned into a combination of feeding, crying, napping and sometimes all three at the same time.

This morning I had to force myself to go on a walk especially when the sofa looked so much more inviting. Little H had a nice long nap but the second we walked through the door he began howling, timing seems to be a special skill of his! He's also had a few naps on the sofa and even the dog seems to be feeling his pain!

Little H doesn't like the teething toys you can buy so the best tips I've been given (so far) are -

Freezing the yogurts you buy in tubes
Keep apple/cucumber/melon slices in the fridge
Use calpol and ibuprofen in tandem with each other (I only do this if it's really necessary)

Above all though I think cuddles and TLC are the best medicine, Little H is more clingy than usual but hey, I just enjoy the extra cuddles!

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