I have been wanting to write my own blog for a while now, ever since I discovered how much I enjoyed it at my previous job, but I could never find the time/use laptop around the baby/enter generic excuse here. However today two things collided, first of all I decided what my first post would be about and secondly I found I could blog on my iPad (how I didn't know this before is beyond me!)
So what was my aforementioned idea of a first blog... Weight loss! Ta dah! Now bear with me because a) I know there are hundreds of weight loss blogs out there and b) this is not what I want to focus my blog on but I have embarked on Operation Lose A Stone Before My Birthday (OP-LASBMB if you will) and I need an extra motivator so talking about it on here will, fingers crossed, give me that extra push that I need!
I have been using Pinterest to get a fitness board together - unfortunately having the board is only the beginning, you also need to do the exercises as well and two days in I am tired and achy but still riding the novelty wave. I should point out that my birthday is in March so it's not an unacheivable goal and I definitely have the weight to lose. I'm going to try to eat a bit better but to be honest I love food so it's exercise that will get me to my goal weight, not starving myself!
The reason I've started my mission is because Little H is nearly one and I finally feel ready to take on regular exercise. Up until now I've depended on breastfeeding and carrying Little H about but it's time to accept that this isn't enough. I also want to get back into shape as Little H is getting faster and I want/need to be able to keep up with him - I also want to look good in a bikini but that's going to be a long shot!
A quick rundown of my exercise plan is -
20 mins cardio 4 times a week
2 mile walk 4 times a week
It's not anything spectacular and I'm sure I'll have to step it up at some stage but as a starting point I think it's pretty good - if you have any tips let me know!
Every week I aim to do a quick post on how things are going so far and hopefully I'll reach my goal (and not bore you in the process!)
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