Friday 21 June 2013

Fasting Diet : Part 6

I didn't get a chance to blog last week but it was a disappointing weigh in.

After a very boozy day and night on Saturday, topped off with all manner of deep fried beauties, I put on 2 pounds.

Although I was expecting it I was still pretty disappointed - breastfeeding has been my saving grace as I can't drink too much so days like this are thankfully few and far between.

This week I lost 1 pound and three quarters so I'm not quite back to where I was but I'm getting there.

The weight gain also gave me a real push to get a bit more serious about dieting and boost the exercise side, one thing I've been putting off but that (fingers crossed) will make a big difference.

I even took the big step, for me anyway, of joining the local gym. I have never been a massive fan of the gym but this way I also get 3 baby free hours a week and working out at home isn't the easiest with a dog and baby using me as a climbing frame while I struggle to do a push up!

So since Tuesday morning (weigh in day) I've stuck to my new exercise plan and although I feel tired and hungry, I'm determined to keep going.

A quick outline of my exercise plan is -

Gym three times a week for an hour
One 3 mile walk
Four 2 mile walks
30 day crunch and squat challenge (I'm starting these from the beginning).

This gives me an average of over an hour of exercise a day which I'm pleased with and praying I can stick with it.

I am planning to look at my fasting though, last night I couldn't sleep due to hunger pains so ended up eating a yoghurt at half 2 - suffice to say once I'd attacked the Munch Bunch pot I fell into a well deserved slumber! My workout this morning was also impeded because I was so hungry so the plan is to eat an extra 100 calories before bedtime on a fast day but only if I'm planning a workout the morning after - I'll see what this does to the weight loss and if needed tweak it again.

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