Tuesday 25 June 2013

Fasting Diet : Part 7

After the last disappointing weigh ins I have been much more focused this week, I stuck to my exercise goals and kept an eye on my calories on both fasting and normal days so I was quite excited (yeah I don't get out much) to see how I'd done.

Well it has definitely been worth it as I have lost 2 and a half pounds this week bringing my total to 17 and a quarter pounds!

This also means I've only got 4 pounds and three quarters to go to reach my next target.

I've not tweaked my fasting days yet as I haven't felt the need to but I am planning on going to the gym tomorrow (a fast day) so I might have to add a yoghurt just to make sure I can get some sleep. Also as I'm breastfeeding I need to make sure my supply doesn't decrease otherwise I will have a grumpy boy on my hands!

I must say I have really enjoyed the gym this week, a bit of time to myself just to clear my head has done wonders and although H has been clingy I think it's good for both of us to have a bit of time apart. I've mainly been working on the treadmill, interchanging fast walking and running, the bike, the cross trainer and a few minutes on the rowing machine - I'm trying to change the order I do things to stop it getting boring. 

My workouts tend to last an hour and I'm thinking of maybe going to Zumba this week rather than one of my gym sessions.

I am also on track with the crunch and squat challenges - I can definitely feel my stomach muscles when I'm doing my crunches and my legs shake after the squats so all in all I'm feeling like I'm getting a good bonus workout from them.

This week I'll be sticking to my exercise plan and see if I can replicate the weight loss - fingers crossed!

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