Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Fasting Diet - Part 4

Last week was not a good week diet-wise.

I ate like a horse and didn't do as much exercise as I wanted, partly due to the crap weather and partly due to being too busy (ok maybe too lazy...)

So what do the scales say... No change.

I'm happy not to have gained anything but I am disappointed in myself, I'm trying to use this as a push to get back on track and reach my next goal.

I've walked 9 miles so far this week* and I'm on day 9 of the squat challenge, alongside this I'm doing the same number of bridges and twists - I'm not too concerned about arm based exercises as carrying a 24 pound toddler seems to be doing the trick!

So here's hoping I can stay on track this week and report on some more lost pounds next week!

* I should say that my fasting weeks run from Tuesday to Monday.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Fasting Diet - Part 3

Another week down and I'm still committed to the fasting diet.

I wouldn't say I enjoy the fast days but if I feel like I've overindulged I do look forward to a fast day to clear my system out. I have noticed that since starting this diet I haven't suffered from any bloating or stomach aches like I used. I also have more energy and I'm a lot more motivated to exercise, even if its just going for a quick walk.

In fact if I have planned to go for a walk and it doesn't happen I feel like a coiled spring that needs to be stretched out! This has happened today so I plan to do some indoor exercises instead.

So how is the weight loss going?.... Well as of this morning I have lost A STONE!!

I'm really thrilled and getting to a nice round amount has given me a boost - I've also had a few people telling me I look slimmer which is always nice!

I should also say that although the fasting days aren't easy, I haven't felt stressed or like I'm struggling with this diet. I also don't feel deprived of anything and if I know I'm going out I can just move my fast day.

So now I've reached my first goal I have my eyes on the next one which is to lose another 8 pounds.

I am splitting up my weight loss for two reasons, firstly I think it can be too daunting to say, for example, I want to lose 2 stone. This is because, from past experience, I've found that even after a few weeks of weight loss the end goal can seem so far from reach that you lose focus and inevitably (for me anyway) you give up.

Secondly I don't have a fixed end goal, so I'm taking it one target a time. I might find that if/when I lose 8 pounds I'm happy with my weight and decide to stop there. Or I might feel I have a bit more to lose. If I have myself a definite goal though I wouldn't be fully happy until I reached it even if I find that it is unattainable or I really had to punish myself to get there I would feel have a part of me that would feel like I've given up to soon.

So here's to my next target, and keeping my focus and motivation on track!

Friday, 17 May 2013

First Trip To The Dentist

A few weeks ago I posted about not being sure that I was cleaning H's teeth properly and worrying because he was refusing to have his teeth brushed and it was becoming somewhat of an issue.

I had also noticed that on two of his front teeth he had small yellow patches. After looking on Google (I can't help myself) I was concerned it might be decay due to his night feeds.

As I was at the baby clinic a few days later I mentioned it to the Health Visitor who had a quick look and admitted that it wasn't her remit but it was very unlikely to be decay and to not worry so much about cleaning his teeth. Yes it is important but sometimes it's wise to pick your battles and warring with a teething baby is a lose-lose situation so on these occasions a quick brush or wipe with a cold, damp cloth will do. As I was booked in at the dentist she suggested booking H in at the same time and getting an expert opinion.

So this week Little H, Mr B and I went to the dentist. As I am scared of the dentist, and not wanting to pass this onto H, Mr B watched him while I had my appointment (I have excellent brushing skills apparently) and then it was H's turn. I explained my worries with the dentist and he had a good look, counting the teeth and checking his gums at the same time.

Thankfully H's teeth are perfect and his gums are healthy. The dentist said that the first signs of decay manifest in the gums and H's are perfect and that my brushing has been great(!) the yellow marks on his teeth are just how they have formed and it is very common but nothing to worry about.

Again he said that toddlers will go through stages where they don't want their teeth brushed, especially when teething, and just letting them chomp on a tooth brush will be fine as it will disperse the toothpaste and get some cleaning done.

So I'm now a lot less anxious about teeth brushing and I've learnt that Google is not even close to being the all-knowing reference that I think it is. Will that stop me looking up every symptom? Probably not!

Monday, 13 May 2013

5:2 Fasting Diet - Part 2

I've been continuing the fasting diet and its definitely getting a lot easier as the weeks go by.

That's not to say that I don't still get hungry on fasting days, right now I'm trying to drown my hunger pangs with copious amounts of water, but I've got myself into a routine which helps.

So how much have I lost doing this diet?... 12 pounds!!

That's only 2 pounds off a stone and that is helping keep me motivated and spur me on for another week. I'm hoping this time next week I will have reached the stone mark but we'll see.

I am doing light exercise alongside this to help move the weight loss along and also to tone up but although I could do more I struggle to find the time.

A week's worth of exercise usually includes 2 or 3 2.5 mile walks and doing 15 mins of toning exercises 4 or 5 times a week.

Although this doesn't sound like much this is also coupled with running around after a toddler and walks around the village, to classes etc. and I know exercise is one thing I can push forward with once the weight loss slows down.

I'm really hoping for a 2 pound loss this week just to bring it up to a nice even stone but we shall see!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The Trouble With Teeth

Being a mum has led me to conclude that teeth are pesky little things.

Those pearly whites that give me a jolt of excitement every time I see a new one poking through pink gum are becoming an issue.

It's not the teething that is bothering me, although with 4 molars coming through undisturbed sleep feels like a distant memory, it's the upkeep of the teeth which have popped through.

Brushing Little H's teeth has become a combat situation. I've tried brushing mine at the same time, letting him brush them before finishing them off, sitting him in front of the mirror and about 1000 other things people have recommended. Alas, none of these things work and even the sight of the toothbrush sends H running away.

It hasn't always been like this, H has yo-yoed from enjoying his teeth being brushed, accepting it and downright refusing it!

Little H does only drink breastmilk or water but he eats a lot of fruit and purées and the odd bit of chocolate so I want to ensure his teeth are cleaned properly.

I do think at the moment it's partly due to the aforementioned molars but I don't want to give up brushing his teeth until they are through as by then I'm sure some other ones will be making their way up to the gum line.

So what is the solution? At the moment all I'm managing is a quick swipe of the brush over his teeth but I'm worried this isn't enough.

H is booked in for H's first dentist appointment in a few weeks and I'm hoping I have managed to keep his teeth healthy.

If you have any tips for a desperate mum then please let me know!

5:2 Fasting Diet

Mr B and I have been doing the diet of the moment for a few weeks now and as diets go it isn't too bad.

The first few weeks were hard and it took a lot of willpower to carry on but now we've got into a routine with it every week is getting easier (fingers crossed).

If you haven't heard about the diet then the premise is to choose 2 days a week, which mustn't be consecutive, I imagine its because you'd pass out from hunger if they were, and you eat only 500 calories on these days (600 for men). On the other 5 days you eat normally and keep the calorie intake under 2000 (men get 2500 - lucky b******s).

On the fasting days I personally prefer to have cups of tea for breakfast and lunch, maybe a rice cake if I'm getting hungry, and then have a filling dinner. I've found carb based meals are best - baked potatoes, risottos, and couscous fill you up but they do need weighing out so I don't exceed the limit. I also save 31 calories to have 1 chocolate (kinder schokobon) at around 9pm when Little H is asleep and I can have a bit of me time.

There are times when I could quite happily and easily eat the whole contents of my fridge, including the very questionable condiments I keep pushing to the back. But I just think well I'll eat so and so tomorrow and it keeps me on track, and by the time tomorrow comes I've forgotten about it.

Surprisingly on non-fast days I now don't eat as much as I did in the first few weeks, I think I'm getting used an empty stomach and I no longer need a biscuit with my cup of tea.

Others who have reportedly tried this diet include Miranda Kerr (probably the only thing we have in common) Philip Schofield and Chris Evans.

So, how much weight have I lost? After all that's the true testament of a diet...

10 pounds!!

I'm really chuffed with this as after getting to my pre-pregnancy weight I've really struggled to shift anymore but this diet seems to be doing the trick!