Wednesday 1 May 2013

The Trouble With Teeth

Being a mum has led me to conclude that teeth are pesky little things.

Those pearly whites that give me a jolt of excitement every time I see a new one poking through pink gum are becoming an issue.

It's not the teething that is bothering me, although with 4 molars coming through undisturbed sleep feels like a distant memory, it's the upkeep of the teeth which have popped through.

Brushing Little H's teeth has become a combat situation. I've tried brushing mine at the same time, letting him brush them before finishing them off, sitting him in front of the mirror and about 1000 other things people have recommended. Alas, none of these things work and even the sight of the toothbrush sends H running away.

It hasn't always been like this, H has yo-yoed from enjoying his teeth being brushed, accepting it and downright refusing it!

Little H does only drink breastmilk or water but he eats a lot of fruit and purées and the odd bit of chocolate so I want to ensure his teeth are cleaned properly.

I do think at the moment it's partly due to the aforementioned molars but I don't want to give up brushing his teeth until they are through as by then I'm sure some other ones will be making their way up to the gum line.

So what is the solution? At the moment all I'm managing is a quick swipe of the brush over his teeth but I'm worried this isn't enough.

H is booked in for H's first dentist appointment in a few weeks and I'm hoping I have managed to keep his teeth healthy.

If you have any tips for a desperate mum then please let me know!

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