Friday 17 May 2013

First Trip To The Dentist

A few weeks ago I posted about not being sure that I was cleaning H's teeth properly and worrying because he was refusing to have his teeth brushed and it was becoming somewhat of an issue.

I had also noticed that on two of his front teeth he had small yellow patches. After looking on Google (I can't help myself) I was concerned it might be decay due to his night feeds.

As I was at the baby clinic a few days later I mentioned it to the Health Visitor who had a quick look and admitted that it wasn't her remit but it was very unlikely to be decay and to not worry so much about cleaning his teeth. Yes it is important but sometimes it's wise to pick your battles and warring with a teething baby is a lose-lose situation so on these occasions a quick brush or wipe with a cold, damp cloth will do. As I was booked in at the dentist she suggested booking H in at the same time and getting an expert opinion.

So this week Little H, Mr B and I went to the dentist. As I am scared of the dentist, and not wanting to pass this onto H, Mr B watched him while I had my appointment (I have excellent brushing skills apparently) and then it was H's turn. I explained my worries with the dentist and he had a good look, counting the teeth and checking his gums at the same time.

Thankfully H's teeth are perfect and his gums are healthy. The dentist said that the first signs of decay manifest in the gums and H's are perfect and that my brushing has been great(!) the yellow marks on his teeth are just how they have formed and it is very common but nothing to worry about.

Again he said that toddlers will go through stages where they don't want their teeth brushed, especially when teething, and just letting them chomp on a tooth brush will be fine as it will disperse the toothpaste and get some cleaning done.

So I'm now a lot less anxious about teeth brushing and I've learnt that Google is not even close to being the all-knowing reference that I think it is. Will that stop me looking up every symptom? Probably not!

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