Tuesday 21 May 2013

Fasting Diet - Part 3

Another week down and I'm still committed to the fasting diet.

I wouldn't say I enjoy the fast days but if I feel like I've overindulged I do look forward to a fast day to clear my system out. I have noticed that since starting this diet I haven't suffered from any bloating or stomach aches like I used. I also have more energy and I'm a lot more motivated to exercise, even if its just going for a quick walk.

In fact if I have planned to go for a walk and it doesn't happen I feel like a coiled spring that needs to be stretched out! This has happened today so I plan to do some indoor exercises instead.

So how is the weight loss going?.... Well as of this morning I have lost A STONE!!

I'm really thrilled and getting to a nice round amount has given me a boost - I've also had a few people telling me I look slimmer which is always nice!

I should also say that although the fasting days aren't easy, I haven't felt stressed or like I'm struggling with this diet. I also don't feel deprived of anything and if I know I'm going out I can just move my fast day.

So now I've reached my first goal I have my eyes on the next one which is to lose another 8 pounds.

I am splitting up my weight loss for two reasons, firstly I think it can be too daunting to say, for example, I want to lose 2 stone. This is because, from past experience, I've found that even after a few weeks of weight loss the end goal can seem so far from reach that you lose focus and inevitably (for me anyway) you give up.

Secondly I don't have a fixed end goal, so I'm taking it one target a time. I might find that if/when I lose 8 pounds I'm happy with my weight and decide to stop there. Or I might feel I have a bit more to lose. If I have myself a definite goal though I wouldn't be fully happy until I reached it even if I find that it is unattainable or I really had to punish myself to get there I would feel have a part of me that would feel like I've given up to soon.

So here's to my next target, and keeping my focus and motivation on track!

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