Monday, 13 May 2013

5:2 Fasting Diet - Part 2

I've been continuing the fasting diet and its definitely getting a lot easier as the weeks go by.

That's not to say that I don't still get hungry on fasting days, right now I'm trying to drown my hunger pangs with copious amounts of water, but I've got myself into a routine which helps.

So how much have I lost doing this diet?... 12 pounds!!

That's only 2 pounds off a stone and that is helping keep me motivated and spur me on for another week. I'm hoping this time next week I will have reached the stone mark but we'll see.

I am doing light exercise alongside this to help move the weight loss along and also to tone up but although I could do more I struggle to find the time.

A week's worth of exercise usually includes 2 or 3 2.5 mile walks and doing 15 mins of toning exercises 4 or 5 times a week.

Although this doesn't sound like much this is also coupled with running around after a toddler and walks around the village, to classes etc. and I know exercise is one thing I can push forward with once the weight loss slows down.

I'm really hoping for a 2 pound loss this week just to bring it up to a nice even stone but we shall see!

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